2-4 Year Sleep Guide




Children’s sleep changes a lot in the first few years so we have lovingly created a range of e – books covering sleep from 3 months up to 4 years plus.

At Fox and The Moon we want to create content for you that is easily accessible and really helps you understand your little one’s sleep as well as giving you tangible tips to implement that do not involve leaving your little one to cry. We have written these to empower you, support you and to make YOU the expert of your little ones sleep and how you can adapt and change small things as they grow to nurture a happy, peaceful little sleeper.
Our e-books are over 100 pages long and packed full of information that you can refer to at any time!

2 – 4 Year E – Book Includes 13 Chapters Covering:

– Sleep Hygiene
– Sleep Diaries and how to analyse one!
– Separation anxiety and night wakes
– Bedtime Battles
– Troubleshooting Your Most Common Sleep challenges including the dreaded nap drop!
– Night Feeds and Night weaning from the breast and bottle
– Sample daytime schedules to help you get on the right track


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