Fox Package With Emily
Take the guess work out of your child’s sleep with 3 weeks of dedicated 1:1 support.
If you are experiencing multiple sleep challenges or seeking to make significant changes (like moving away from co-sleeping, investigating and reducing frequent waking, or introducing new caregivers/parents to bedtime and overnight settling) we are here to hold your hand through the process and provide informed, expert support.
- 3 x 30 minute calls (1 to start and then 2 to check progress and catch up!)
- A written action plan following each call for the week ahead.
- Email support Monday to Friday 10-5pm for 3 weeks.
- Intake form (so you can tell us exactly what you need help with as well as provide us with a history of your child’s sleep and any relevant medical history.)
- Analysis of Sleep & Food diaries.
- A comprehensive email summary & sleep plan.
Perfect For …
– Parents who want to work on their child’s sleep holistically and want regular check ins to take the guess work and overwhelm out of their childs sleep.
– Parents who may soon be returning to work and want to make changes to their current situation to prepare for that i.e introducing a new caregiver to bedtime and night time settling, reduce frequent waking
– Parents who want a hand to hold throughout this process and would like an expert sleep coach to guide them with weekly diary analysis and catch ups regarding progress.
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